Make an appointment
Phone number: 024-3224340
Online: using the MijnHuisarts app (Dutch only)
Online with our 24/7 physician assistant Chatty (Dutch only)
For Corona/ covid testing call GGD 0800-1202 not your GP!
Office hours:
8.00 to 10.00 am
10.30 to 11.30 am
1.30 to 3.30 pm
Early morning and evening:
Changes every week, make an appointment with the physician assistant
An appointment takes 10 minutes. If you have multiple complaints, ask for a double appointment.
For less urgent complaints you can consult us by e-mail.
We try to answer within 48 hours. During holidays this can take longer. If you have an urgent medical problem do not use email but call us.
Phone queue too long? Sign up for the “MijnHuisartsApp”. How? click here