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Everything you need to know if you want to visit a doctor in the Netherlands

In our practice we see more and more international clients/patients. Because we want to inform them properly, we would like to introduce you to

• Information about the healthcare system in the Netherlands
• How to be better prepared for your GP visit

All medical information is based on scientific guidelines of general practitioners and medical specialists and guidelines for mental health issues.

More information: Healthcare for internationals


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Ultrasound/sonography at your GP

Since 2019 our practice has an ultrasound machine for disorders in and around the abdomen. We can perform an abdominal and a endovaginal examination. General practitioner Spanninga and general practitioner Koeslag are trained to make different types of ultrasounds, such as an ultrasound of the aorta, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, uterus and localization spiral/IUD.

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Digital GP-assistant Chatty

Meet our digital assistant Chatty. Via Chatty you can easily request repeat prescriptions, start an e-consultation about your complaints and upload a photo of ailment if you wish. Use the feedback option for short announcements such as change of adress. The digital message traffic via Chatty is secured according to the medical data standard. As of October 1, we will close the old website with the portal for ordering repeat prescriptions and submitting e-consultations. So try doing this via this new website with the help of Chatty! For short announcements and non-medical questions, please email

For clarity: Chatty is a chatbot, a computer, not a person.

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