Home > Our healthcare offer > Ultrasound
A medical ultrasound scanner is pressent at our practice. Two of our GP, Lonneke Koeslag and Renske Spanninga, are certified to use and diagnose with the ultrasound scanner. Both are registerd as a GP with special skill in the CHBB. Ultrasounds are insured by your health insurance.
Possible reasons to make an ultrasound:
- Check up after IUD placement.
- Detect gallstones or kidney stones
- Kidney abnormalities
- Liver abnormalities
- Indicate and measure dilation of the aorta.
- Investigate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries
Ultrasound of the upper abdomen: do not eat anything 2 to 3 hours in advance.
Ultrasound of the lower abdomen: the bladder must be filled, please make sure to drink plenty of water beforehand.
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