Home > Safe contact with the practice > Safe contact with the practice
Safe contact with the practice
Given the expansion of the coronavirus again, for your own safety and to prevent infections in practice, we have taken the following measures:
We will continue to provide emergency and necessary professional GP care from our pactice. Please pay attention to the following:
- DO NOT come to our practice or GP post. Please contact us by phone first
- An appointment for the consultation hour is preferably done by phone or videoconsultation. Only visit the practice when necessary.
- Making online appointments is currently not possible.
- The organization of the consultation hours has changed. You will hear which doctor is available on the phone.
- You can ask Chatty or email us a question
Do you suffer from coughing, sniffing, sore throat or fever? Stay at home and avoid contact with anyone except your own family. Do NOT get in touch with other family. Cough in the elbow. Stay at home until you are completely symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
Safe contact with the practice
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